Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence / Permit

Relevant Authority

Waste Collection

Any person who proposes to collect waste for the purposes of reward, with a view to profit or otherwise in the course of business is required to hold a waste collection permit.

This single Nominated Authority is known as the National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO).

For further information on the waste collection permitting process please see:

National Waste Collection Permit Office (NWCPO)
Áras an Chontae,
Charleville Road,
Co. Offaly
Tel: +353 57 9373710
Email: contactus@nwcpo.ie

Waste Facility Permit/Certificate of Registration

A waste facility permit is required by facilities engaged in waste recovery and disposal activities which do not otherwise require a waste licence (or other licence, e.g. IED licence) from the EPA and are not exempted activities.

The EPA issues Certificates of Registration to local authorities for smaller scale waste management activities listed in the Third Schedule Part II to the Waste Management (Facility Permit Registration) Regulations, S.I 821 of 2007 as amended.
For information provided by the EPA on this process and on waste licensing / permitting in general please see:
Environmental Protection Agency 

National Waste Collection Permit Office Home (nwcpo.ie)

Office of Environmental Sustainability,
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co. Wexford
Tel: +353 53 916 0600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

Waste Licence 

A waste licence is a single integrated licence dealing with emissions to all environmental media and the environmental management of the facility. All related waste operations connected to the activity are considered in determining a licence application. The Environmental Protection Agency is the competent authority for granting and enforcing waste licences for specified waste activities listed in the 3rd and 4th Schedule to the Waste Management Act 1996 as amended.

Waste Licensing | Environmental Protection Agency (epa.ie)

Office of Environmental Sustainability,
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co. Wexford
Tel: +353 53 916 0600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

Waste Water discharge authorisation licence/certificate.  A system for the licensing or certification of waste water discharges (WWD) from areas served by Irish Water sewer network. 

Licensing & Permitting: Waste water | Environmental Protection Agency (epa.ie)

Office of Environmental Sustainability,
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co. Wexford
Tel: +353 53 916 0600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

Waterways Ireland- Licence to use Waterways Ireland (WI) property A licence is required in order to use WI property including for use as cycle paths, use of buildings, land and water.

Marine Notice No 1 of 2024 (waterwaysireland.org)

Property & Legal Section,
Waterways Ireland
Tel: +44 2866 346 200

Email: info@waterwaysireland.org

WEEE Compliance Scheme  A corporate body may apply to the Minister for approval to act as a compliance scheme.
The process is set out in S.I. No. 355 of 2011, European Communities (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Regulations 2011. The Regulations are available on www.irishstatutebook.ie

 Guidance-for-retailers-of-EEE-and-Batteries.pdf (epa.ie)

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Tel: +353 1 6782000
Email: customer.service@decc.gov.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer

Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer & Beer Retailer's off licence

Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons.
Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer & Spirits Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wholesale Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer & Wine Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer & Wine Retailer's Off Licence Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer & Wine, & Wine Retailer's Off Licence Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer, Retailer of Spirits, Beer & Wine Off Licence

Beer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person 

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer, Wine & Spirits

Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer, Wine & Spirits, & Beer & Wine Retailer's Off Licence Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer, Wine & Spirits, & Beer, Wine & Spirits Retailer's Off Licence Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. Wine & spirit -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles. authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Beer, Wine, Spirits & Sweets Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wholesale wine, Spirits & Sweets authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits Wholesale Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits & Beer, & Beer Retailer's off Licence

Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wholesale Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. 

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits & Spirits Retailer's Off Licence

Wholesale Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits & Wine, & Spirits & Wine Retailer's off Licence Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits & Wine, & Spirits Beer & Wine Retailer's Off Licence Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits of Wine Wholesale Spirits of Wine, authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less than 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Can also deal in Sweets

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits, Beer & Wine, & Spirits & Beer Retailer's off Licence Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits, Beer & Wine, & Spirits & Wine Retailer's off Licence

Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits, Beer & Wine, & Wine Retailer's Off Licence

Authorises the wholesale of beer in any quantity not less than 2 and quarter gallons to a person who is licensed to sell beer by retail, and in any quantity not less than 4 and half gallons or 2 doz reputed quart bottles to any other person. Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles. 

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Spirits, Beer, Wine & Beer Retailer's off Licence

Beer retailer off authorises the sale of beer and cider for consumption off the premises to any one person of any quantity up to 4 half gallons. Wholesale wine, Spirits sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Wine Wholesale wine, authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less than 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Can also deal in Sweets

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Wine & Spirits Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Wine & Spirits, & Wine Retailer's off Licence Wholesale wine, Spirits authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wholesaler Dealer in Wine & Wine Retailer's Off Licence Wholesale wine authorises sale to a person licensed to retail in any quantity not less than half gallon and to any other person not less that 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie


Licence to capture and/or humanely kill protected wild animals/protected birds

To comply with EU and National Legislation

Section 22, 23 and 34 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

Relevant links to application forms: 

National Parks and Wildlife- Capture/kill for scientific purposes

National Parks and Wildlife Service- Protected wild birds

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
90 King Street North
Dublin 7 D07 N7CV

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie

Wildlife -

Licence to keep an injured animal or bird
Section 23 (6) (c)&(d) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

To comply with EU and National Legislation

National Parks and Wildlife Service - Keep an injured or disabled protected wild animal or bird

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
90 King Street North 
Dublin 7 D07 N7 CV

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie


Licence to photograph or film a wild animal or wild bird

To comply with EU and National Legislation

Section 23 (6)(b) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)
Section 22 (9)(f) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

National Parks & Wildlife Service

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage 
90 King Street North
Dublin 7 D07 N7CV

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie


Licence to take eggs of wild birds
Section 22 9(d) of the wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

To comply with EU and National Legislation

Section 22 9(d) of the wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

National Parks & Wildlife Service - Nests/Eggs

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage,
90 King Street North
Dublin 7 D07 N7 CV

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie

Wildlife Importation Licence
Wildlife Exportation Licence

Comply with National Legislation

Relevant link:
National Parks & Wildlife Service

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Management Authority,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
90 King Street,
Dublin 7 D07 N7CW
Email: CITES@npws.gov.ie

Wine Retailer's Off Licence

Wine -off retail authorises sale for consumption off the premises in any quantity not exceeding 2 gallons or up to 1 doz reputed quart bottles.

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Wine Retailer's On Licence

Authorises the sale both on and off of fine wine, sherry and fermented liquor less than 23% proof to any one person up to 2 gallons or 1 doz reputed quart bottles. This licence is confined to a person who owns a refreshment house (refreshment house is defined in the act as "all houses, rooms, shops or buildings kept open for public refreshment, resort, and entertainment at any time between the hours of 10 of the clock at night and 7 of the clock of the following morning, not being licensed for the sale of beer, cider, wine or spirits respectively, shall be deemed refreshment houses within this Act."

Revenue.ie - Excise Licensing

Revenue Commissioners National Excise Licence Office, Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie



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