Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence / Permit

Relevant Authority

Occasional Licence 

A current holder of an intoxicating liquor licence can move the licence to another premises for a special event


The Courts Service
15 - 24 Phoenix Street North
Dublin 7

Tel: +353 1 888 6000

Regional Court contacts can be found here

Occasional Trading Permit 

To occasionally sell goods at a private place. Private place is defined as a place "where the public do not have access as of right"

enterprise.gov.ie - Occasional Trading Permit

Occasional Trading
Competition & Consumer Policy Section
Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment

Earlsfort Centre,
Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2

Email: conspol@dete.gov.ie

Omnibus Station Licence

Authorises an on-licence for the sale of intoxicating liquor in any particular part of the premises

Revenue.ie - Guide to excise licences

Office of the Revenue Commissioners
National Excise Licence Office
Government Offices
Tel: +353 1 7383640
Email: exciseLicences@revenue.ie

Other Registered Premises

Regulation of other registered animal by-product premises

Animal By Products (www.gov.ie)

Application form is available through the above link or on request.

Animal By-Products Section,
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Grattan House,
Grattan Business Centre,
Co. Laois
Tel: +353 57 867 4400

Oyster Dredge

Allows Commercial fishing for Oysters using the dredge method.


Inland Fisheries Ireland
Email: info@fisheriesireland.ie
Tel: +353 1 884 2600



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