Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence / Permit

Relevant Authority

Falconry - Licence to Possess Birds of Prey

These licences are issued for Possession, Falconry & Taking

To comply with EU and National Legislation
Section 41 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

National Parks & Wildlife Service - Falconry

Wildlife Licensing Unit,

National Parks & Wildlife Service
90 King Street North
Dublin 7
D07 N7CV

Tel: +353 1 888 3242 Email: wildlifelicence@housing.gov.ie

Farm Plastics Compliance Scheme

A corporate body may apply to the Minister for approval to act as a compliance scheme.
The process is set out in S.I. No. 341 of 2001, Waste Management (Farm Plastics) Regulations 2001. The Regulations are available on irishstatutebook.ie

Farmplastics.ie- Regulations

Waverly Office Park
Old Naas Road
Dublin 12 HD6F

Tel: +353 1 408 9966

Email: info@farmplastics.ie

Felling Licence

To authorise the felling of a tree under the Forestry Act, 1946.

Agriculture.gov.ie -Tree Felling

Felling Section/ Forest Service,
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Johnstown Castle,
Tel: +353 53 916 0200

Email: felling.forestservice@agriculture.gov.ie

Field Service Licence

To authorise AI companies to practice the artificial insemination of cattle and provide an artificial insemination service


Livestock Forms

Livestock Breeding Production & Trade Section
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Government Buildings
Farnham Street

Tel: +353 49 436 1486

Firearms for Civilian Use- Export Licence

Control of exports of firearms under Regulation 258 of 2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Export Licences


Licensing Unit,

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Email: exportcontrol@enterprise.gov.ie

Fire Safety Certificate

Persons wishing to carry out works or material changes of use to certain buildings are required to obtain a Fire Safety Certificate (or a Revised Fire Safety Certificate) in advance of the commencement of the proposed works or change of use.

Housing.gov.ie- Building Standards

Applications are made to individual building control authorities. Information of the Building Control Regulations 1997 – 2014 is available from:
Building Standards
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage 
Tel: +353 1 888 2000
Email: buildingstandards@housing.gov.ie

Fireworks Licencing

- Licences issued to import less hazardous fireworks such as party poppers, sparklers etc.

- Licences issued to professional fireworks operators to stage fireworks displays at events such as weddings, festivals etc.

Justice.ie -


 Department of Justice,
51 St. Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2. HK52
Tel: +353 1 8592279
Email: explosives@justice.ie 

Fishery Harbour Centres
Activity Licences

Licences to carry out activities in the six fishery harbour centres in Howth, Dunmore East, Killybegs, Dingle, Ros an Mhíl and Castletownbere

gov.ie - Fishery Harbours

Sea Fisheries Administration Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
National Seafood Centre,
Clonakilty, Co. Cork
Tel: +353 23 885 9500

Fishing- Angling Licence

Licence to fish



Foyle Carlingford Irish Lights Commission
HQ Contact details:
Loughs Agency / Ghníomhaireacht na Lochanna /Factrie fur Loughs 22 Victoria Road, Prehen, Derry, BT47 2AB Tel: +44 (0)28 71342100

Flight Authorisations

To allow civilian commercial, charter or scheduled air services into or out of Ireland.
To allow civilian commercial, charter or scheduled air services into or out of Ireland. 

gov.ie - Background on air traffic rights for third country air operators

Aviation Services Division,
Department of Transport,  
Email: civilair@transport.gov.ie
Tel: +353 1 604 1131 

Flora -

Licence to take protected flora

To comply with EU and National Legislation

Sections 21of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

National Parks & Wildlife Service - Protected Plant Species

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage,
90 King Street North
Dublin 7

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie

Flying Permit

Permit to Fly- To allow an aircraft to fly that does not otherwise qualify for a standard Certificate of Airworthiness

Irish Aviation Authority

Air Operations & General Aviation Division,
Airworthiness Standards Department,
Irish Aviation Authority
Tel: +353 1 6031151

Flying Permit

To allow a large transport aircraft to fly without a standard certificate of airworthiness in force.

Irish Aviation Authority

Air Operations & General Aviation Division,
Airworthiness Standards Department,
Irish Aviation Authority
Tel: +353 1 6031130

Food/Catering Business- Registration of premises that serve food

The majority of food businesses under the control of the Environmental Health Services (EHS) of the HSE do not require a licence - they merely have to notify the relevant EHS.
However, a small number of businesses dealing with food of animal origin are dealt with by the EHS and these require prior approval by the EHS before they can commence trading. It should be noted however, that this requirement is through Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine legislation.

HSE - Food Businesses

Contact Details for regional Environmental Health Offices

Foreshore Lease or Licence

Any function in relation to a fishery harbour centre,
any function in respect of—
(i) an activity which is wholly or primarily for the use, development or support of aquaculture, or
(ii) an activity which is wholly or primarily for the use, development or support of sea-fishing including the processing and sale of sea-fish and manufacture of products derived from sea-fish

gov.ie - Foreshore applications

Foreshore Co-Ordination Unit
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
National Seafood Centre
Co. Cork
Email: foreshore@housing.gov.ie


Foreshore Permit to hunt fauna over state foreshore, inland waters and accretions belonging to the State
Section 30 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

To comply with EU and National Legislation

National Parks & Wildlife Service

Wildlife Licensing Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage,
90 King Street North,
Dublin 7, D07 N7CV

Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie

Foresters and Forestry Companies

An applicant under the various forestry schemes must - unless expressly stated otherwise - use a registered forester to plan, prepare and submit their application for approval or grant aid and in many cases supervise or carry out the work being grant aided.

In order to be registered, a forester must achieve specific qualifications and have the required technical ability to perform the role.

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle Estate , Co. Wexford,
Tel: +353 53 9163400
Full Driving Licence

Allows you to legally drive in Ireland and shows that you passed a driving test.

National Driving Licence Service

National Driving Licence Service operating under the Road Safety Authority
Email: info@ndls.ie



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