Asbestos Removal

Competent Authority

The Health & Safety Authority (HSA) is the competent authority in relation to any work related to asbestos.

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Exposure to Asbestos) Regulations, 2006 (S.I. No. 386 of 2006), aims to protect the health and safety of all employees who may be exposed to dust from asbestos containing materials, during the course of their work activities. The regulations apply to all work activities which expose persons to risks arising from the inhalation of dust from asbestos or materials containing asbestos.

The Regulations also emphasise the need for adequate training. Those involved in demolition and asbestos removal activities must provide evidence of their ability to do this work in a safe way to ensure the protection of their employees.

Notifying the HSA about Asbestos Removal

Removal, repair or encapsulation of Asbestos containing materials can result in the release of asbestos fibres into the atmosphere placing persons at risk. It is therefore necessary to notify the HSA of any planned work around asbestos.

Notifications should be made at least 14 days prior to the start of work.

You will need to complete in full the Authority’s notification form. Notifications and the plan of work / method statement for the proposed works may be submitted by email to (including the county of the work in the subject line). Forms can also be submitted by post to the address below.

Further Information

HSA - Asbestos Guidelines (external pdf)

Notifying the HSA of asbestos

Environmental Protection Agency - Disposing of asbestos waste


Contact Details


Health & Safety Authority, Occupational Hygiene Unit, The Metropolitan Building, James Joyce Street, Dublin 1

HSA Tel: +353 1 614 7000



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