Licence /Permit


Relevant information on Licence/Permit

Relevant Authority

Radio Officer Licence (RO)

Issued to permit an individual to provide flight information to aircraft

Irish Aviation Authority

Irish Aviation Authority,
The Times Building,
11-12 D'Olier Street,
Dublin 2
Tel: +353 1 603 1490
Email: paul.kennedy@iaa.ie

Radio Spectrum Licensing Licensing the of use of radio spectrum

Commission for Communications Regulation

Commission for Communications Regulation,
1 Dockland Central, Guild Street,
Dublin 1, D01 E4X0
Tel: +353 1 804 9600
Email: licensing@comreg.ie

Railway Restaurant Car Licence This licence granted in respect of a car in which passengers can be supplied with meals, authorises the sale by retail to passengers of any intoxicating liquor for consumption in the car.


National Excise Licence Office

Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Registered Users for Specific Purposes (Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009) Regulation of registered users of animal by-products

The register of approved and registered establishments is available on the DAFM website

Agriculture.ie- Animal By Products

Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Milk and Meat Hygiene/ABP/TSE Division
Grattan House
Grattan Business Centre
Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Tel: +353 76 106 4440
Email: AnimalByProducts@agriculture.gov.ie

Registration of establishments or plants handling animal by-products or derived products for purposes outside the feed chain (Article 23 of Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009) Regulation of animal by-product establishments or plants

The register of approved and registered establishments is available on the DAFM website


Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Milk and Meat Hygiene/ABP/TSE Division
Grattan House
Grattan Business Centre
Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois
Tel: +353 76 106 4440
Email: AnimalByProducts@agriculture.gov.ie

Regularisation Certificate

Persons who have commenced or completed building works without a Fire Safety Certificate, where such a certificate is required, are required to obtain a Regularisation Certificate to certify that the building works are in compliance with Part B of the Building Regulations 1997.

The purpose of a Regularisation Certificate is a consumer protection measure and is to certify that the building or building works comply with the requirements of Part B of the Building Regulations 1997.
The requirement is set out in Section 6 of the Building Control Act 1991 (Number 3 of 1991) and Part 2 of the Building Control Act 2007 (number 21 of 2007). The process is set out in Part IIIA of the Building Control Regulations 1997 – 2014. Both the Acts and the Regulations can be found on www.irishstatutebook.ie.

Housing.gov.ie - Building Control Regulations

Building Standards Section
Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage,
Custom House,
Dublin 1,
Email: buildingstandards@housing.gov.ie

Regulated Agent Permit

To enable companies to move known air cargo and mail on board an aircraft within the European Union.

Irish Aviation Authority

Aviation Security,
Irish Aviation Authority
The Times Building
D’Olier Street
Dublin 2
Email: AVSEC@iaa.ie

Reserved Area Licence

A holder of a Lease may apply for a Reserved Area Licence over an area adjacent to a lease. The same terms and conditions apply as for a Petroleum Exploration Licence

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communication

Petroleum Affairs Division
Email: padadmin@decc.gov.ie

Ringing Licence
Section 32 of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

To comply with EU and National Legislation

National Parks and Wildlife - Mark or Ring

Wildlife Licence Unit,
National Parks & Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government, & Heritage,
90 King Street North 
Dublin 7 D07 N7CV
Email: wildlifelicence@npws.gov.ie

Road Passenger Licence under the
Public Transport Regulation Act, 2009

For the provision of public transport services


National Transport Authority
Dún Scéine
Harcourt Lane
Dublin 2
D02 WT20
Tel: +353 1 879 8300
Email: info@nationaltransport.ie



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