Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence/Permit

Relevant Authority

D.I.Y. A.I. Licences

To authorise herd-owners to carry out artificial insemination in their own herd.

Agriculture.gov.ie- Livestock Forms

Livestock Breeding, Production & Trade Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,Government Buildings, Farnham Street, Cavan  Tel: +353 49 4368296

Deer Hunting Licences

Section 29 (1) of the Wildlife Act, 1976 (as amended)

To comply with EU and National Legislation

National Parks & Wildlife Service- Deer Hunting Licences


Wildlife Licensing Unit,
National Parks and Wildlife Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
90 North King Street,
Dublin 7, 
Tel: +353 1 888 3298

Email: deerlicences@npws.gov.ie

Deliberate release of Genetically Modified Micro-organisms into the environment

The Environmental Protection Agency is Ireland’s competent authority under Directive 2001/18/EC on the deliberate release of genetically modified organisms into the environment. Detailed procedures concerning the authorisation process are set out in Directive 2001/18/EC and the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 500 of 2003).
Two types of deliberate release are covered by the GMO (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2003.
1. Deliberate release of GMOs for purposes other than for placing on the market. (e.g. research, field trials)
2. Placing on the market of GMOs as or in products.
Applications to release a GMO into the environment for research and development purposes are considered by the EPA. Such a release may only proceed with the prior agreement of the EPA and in conformance with any conditions imposed by the EPA.
Authorisation for the placing of a GMO product on the market is issued at European level. A person or organisation proposing to place a product containing or consisting of a GMO on the market under Directive 2001/18/EC, using the Irish Competent authority (EPA) as lead or evaluating Competent Authority, should contact the EPA to arrange pre-application discussions.
The details are set out in the Genetically Modified Organisms (Deliberate Release) Regulations 2003 (S.I. No. 500 of 2003).
The Regulations are available at http://www.irishstatutebook.ie.

Environmental Protection Agency- GMOs

Office of Environmental Sustainability
PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate
Co. Wexford
Tel: +353 53 916 0600
Email: licensing@epa.ie

Detection Device Consent

Requires that consent must be obtained for the use of a detection device to search for archaeological objects at a specified place or for the use and possession of a detection device at a place protected under the National Monuments Acts.

An online application system for licences, consents and directions is under development with a view to be available through the website www.archaeology.ie

Application forms

National Monuments Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Custom House, Dublin 1
Email: nationalmonuments@housing.gov.ie

Digital Tachograph cards – company card

Card issued, on application, to an owner or holder of vehicles fitted with digital tachographs to enable for the downloading, display and printing of data stored on the digital tachograph

Road Safety Authority

Apply online here

Road Safety Authority,
Clonfert House,
Bride Street,
Tel: +353 91 872 600

Digital Tachograph cards – driver card (includes renewal and replacement cards)

Card issued, on application to a driver of a goods or passenger vehicle for recording and storing driver activity and used in a digital tachograph

Road Safety Authority

Apply online here

Road Safety Authority,
Clonfert House,
Bride Street,
Tel: +353 91 872 600

Digital Tachograph -Workshop cards

Card issued, on application, to approved fitters and workshops to enable testing, calibration and downloading of data on digital tachographs.

Road Safety Authority

Apply online here

Road Safety Authority,
Clonfert House,
Bride Street,
Tel: +353 91 872 600

Disability Access Certificate

A Disability Access Certificate is a certificate granted by a building control authority which certifies compliance, at design stage, of non–domestic buildings and apartment blocks with the requirements of Part M of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations 1997 to 2014. Disability Access Certificates can be obtained from local building control authorities (i.e. local authorities).

Find your local authority

Further information on Disability Access Certificates is available at:

+353 (0) 1 888 2466

+353 (0) 1 888 2386

Email: buildingstandards@housing.gov.ie


Contact details for Building Control Officers in each Local Authority

Applications can be submitted online on the Building Control Management System (BCMS) (login required)

Dispatch Operator Licence

Annual Licence to operate as a Dispatch Operator

Dispatch Operator Licence

SPSV Licensing Centres

Distribution Asset Owner Licence

Relates to distributors of electricity or gas

Commission for Regulation of Utilities

Commission for Regulation of Utilities,
The Grain House,
The Exchange,
Belgard Square North,
Dublin 24, D24 PXW0
Tel: +353 1 400 0800
Email: info@cru.ie

Distribution System Operator

Relates to distributes of electricity or gas

Commission for Regulation of Utilities

Commission for Regulation of Utilities,
The Grain House,
The Exchange,
Belgard Square North,
Dublin 24, D24 PXW0
Tel: +353 1 400 0800
Email: info@cru.ie

Dive Survey Licence

Requires that an underwater dive/survey licence is required in order to carry out dives, surveys or other archaeological activities on wrecks or underwater archaeological objects.

Archaeology.ie- Dive Survey Licence

National Monuments Service,
Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Email: nationalmonuments@housing.gov.ie

Door Supervisor (Licensed Premises)

Licence issued to a contractor to legally provide a security service.

The Private Security Authority

The Private Security Authority
Tel: +353 62 32628 or
+353 62 31588
Email: licensing@psa-gov.ie

Draft Net & Snap Net

Allows fishermen to commercially fish for salmon subject to the Control of Fishing for Salmon Order (SI)

Fisheries Ireland.ie - Commercial Salmon Fishing Licences

Inland Fisheries Ireland
Tel: +353 1 8842600
Email: info@fisheriesireland.ie

Driver Attestation

The driver of a vehicle engaged in the carriage of goods subject to Community Licence (as regards international transport) and who is a national of a non-member country employed by a Road Transport Operator from a Member State should hold a driver attestation.
The attestation certifies that the driver in question is employed in the Member State in accordance with the relevant legislative and other provisions in force in that Member State.

Further information can be found here

Road Transport Operator- licencing online

Road Transport Operator Licensing
Department of Transport
Bride Street
Co. Galway
Tel: +353 91 872950
Email: rtol@transport.gov.ie

Driver CPC (card)

Carried by professional bus/truck drivers in addition to their driving licence and proves (1) Bus/truck driver CPC qualification for new bus/truck drivers (2) ongoing maintenance of Driver CPC qualification by existing bus & truck drivers

Road Safety Authority - CPC Driver

Driver CPC Unit,
Moy Valley Business Park,
Primrose Hill, Dublin Road,
Ballina, Co. Mayo
Tel: +353 96 25015
Email: cpc@rsa.ie

Driving Licence - Full and Learner Permits

Allows you to legally drive in Ireland

National Driving Licence Service

National Driving Licence Service operating under the Road Safety Authority
Email: info@ndls.ie

Driving Instructors Licence

To enable persons to provide professional driver training to Learner Permit holders

Road Safety Authority - Driving Instructors

ADI Unit,
Moy Valley Business Park,
Primrose Hill, Dublin Road,
Ballina, Co. Mayo
Tel: +353 96 25252
Email: adi@rsa.ie 

Drugs - Licences in respect of drugs and precursor chemicals controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Acts 1977 & 1984

To possess, supply, manufacture, import and export drugs and precursor chemicals controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Acts 1977 & 1984

Health Products Regulatory Authority

Kevin O'Malley House,
Earlsfort Centre,
Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2,
D02 XP77
Tel: +353 1 676 4971
Email: info@hpra.ie

Dual-use Brokering Licence

Control of brokering dual-use goods and technology under Council Regulation 428 of 2009 as amended.

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment - OELAS

Licensing Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment,
23 Kildare Street,
Dublin 2,
D02 TD30

Tel: + 353 1 631 2256

Email: exportcontrol@enterprise.gov.ie



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