Greyhound Racing

The following is for general information purposes only. All further queries regarding this information should be directed to the competent authorities listed below.

Competent Authority

The Irish Greyhound Board- Bord na gCon is a commercial semi-state body which is responsible for the control and development of greyhound racing in Ireland. The Board was established under specific legislation by the Irish Government in 1958. The Greyhound Industry Act 1958 gave the Board wide powers to regulate all aspects of greyhound racing in Ireland, including the licensing of different tracks, the issuing of permits to officials, bookmakers, trainers, and the implementation of the rules of racing. The Irish Greyhound Board has licensed a total of 17 tracks in the Republic, of which 9 are owned and controlled by the Board. The remainder are owned and operated by private enterprise. There are also a further two stadia privately owned in Northern Ireland. 

Licensing Procedures

People who wish to train greyhounds for reward have to apply to the Irish Greyhound Board in writing for a licence. The regulation department of the Irish Greyhound Board is the relevant body that processes and manages new and renewed licenses.

When a person applies for a license (two types, public and private) a letter of acknowledgement is sent to the applicant and to a Stipendiary Steward (IGB Employee) who arranges to visit the new applicant to assess the premises from a suitability and welfare perspective. The Stipendiary Steward then sends a Kennel Inspection Report to the Regulation Department and the trainer is approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors .

Existing trainers premises are inspected annually and the same Kennel Inspection Report is completed and returned to the Regulation Department.

All trainers must return a Trainers Returns Sheet stating what dogs are in their care every month and these returns can be processed by email.

Licensing Fees

Public Trainers Licence €100
Private Trainers Licence €25

Costs are the same for renewal of licenses.

Contact details

If you wish to apply for a greyhound licence to provide services in Ireland, please contact the Irish Greyhound Board in the link below.

Contact details



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