Licence / Permit


Relevant information on Licence / Permit

Relevant Authority

Gaming Licence

Authorises gaming at an amusement hall or funfair.
The court may attach conditions to such a Certificate, for example: Limiting the hours during which gaming may be carried on, Restricting the kinds of gaming and the extent to which particular kinds of gaming may be carried on, limiting the amount of stakes and prizes, or restricting gaming by people under a certain age. The Certificate will also specify the period for which the Licence is valid

Revenue.ie - Gaming Licence

Office of the Revenue Commissioners
National Excise Licence Office
Government Offices
The Glen

Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

Gaming Machine Licence

Authorises the offer for use of a Gaming Machine by the holder of Gaming Licence.

Revenue.ie - Gaming Licence

Office of the Revenue Commissioners
National Excise Licence Office
Government Offices
The Glen

Email: exciselicences@revenue.ie

General Felling Licence

To authorise the felling of a tree under the Forestry Act, 1946.

Agriculture.gov.ie - Tree Felling

Felling Section,
Forest Service,
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine,
Johnstown Castle,
Tel: +353 53 916 3400

Contact Details

Global Dual-use Export Licence

Control of export of dual-use goods and technology under Council Regulation 428 of 2009 as amended.

Export Licences

Licensing Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit

Permitting of certain activities resulting in greenhouse gas emissions from industrial installations, pursuant to the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme.

Environmental Protection Agency

EPA Emissions Trading Unit,
Environmental Protection Agency,
Regional Inspectorate,
McCumiskey House,
Clonskeagh Road,
Dublin 14

Email: ghgpermit@epa.ie

Ground Handling Approval

Approved companies can engage in ground handling operations at Dublin Cork and Shannon Airports

Irish Aviation Authority- Ground Handling

Irish Aviation Authority
The Times Building, 11-12 D'Olier Street, Dublin 2, D02 T449

Tel: +353 1 6031100

Email: groundhandling@iaa.ie

Guesthouses- Registration and Renewal

Inclusion in register of approved properties and authorisation to call a premises by the protected title

Fáilte Ireland

Tel: 1890 697000
Email: qualityassurance@failteireland.ie



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