Caravan and Camping Parks
Competent Authority
Fáilte Ireland is the Competent Authority for the registration of Caravan and Camping Parks in Ireland.
Under the Tourist Traffic Acts 1939-2016, any tourism business under the guise of a caravan or camping park must be registered with Fáilte Ireland.
Application Process
Applications made under Section 26 of the Acts, for registration of any premises in Fáilte Ireland’s Register of Caravan sites and Camping sites should be completed using the Initial Registration Application Form provided on Fáilte Ireland’s designated website -
Guide to Caravan and Camping Park Self Assessment
Every application for registration shall be accompanied by the following:
- The application fee as prescribed by Fáilte Ireland - The current application & registration fee is a nominal €1.00.
- Where the Business is providing food, written evidence that the Business is registered as a food business operator with the Health Service Executive;
- Evidence of compliance with Fire Safety requirements: Written evidence that the premises complies with the Fire Acts and the Building Control Acts; or written evidence from the Fire Authority for the area where the Business is situated that the said Fire Authority have no objection to the registration of the premises on the appropriate register of prescribed accommodation or written certification from the applicant’s architect/engineer that the premises substantially complies with all relevant Fire Acts and Building Control Acts; or Copy of Fire Safety Certificate and Disability Access Certificate to be provided (if applicable).
- Certificate(s) of Compliance with Planning Permission and Certificate(s) of Compliance with Building Regulations or evidence that the statutory Certificate of Completion has been registered in the appropriate register or such other evidence or certificates as may be required from time to time under the Building Control Acts, as appropriate to the Accommodation and/or the Business.
A Service Provider is requested to hold all necessary documentation on file for inspection at the request of Fáilte Ireland.
Fáilte Ireland provide a summarised view of regulations and requirements under the Tourist Traffic Acts (available here), and provides a complete direction to the requirements of the Acts in this regard.
If an applicant can meet all the requirements of Regulation (which are outlined in the details provided by the link above), there should be no expected issue with registration. If an applicant cannot meet all of the requirements of Regulation then the Application cannot progress.
Further Information
Fáilte Ireland - Registration of Caravan and Camping Sites
Fáilte Ireland - Caravan and Camping Sites
Health & Safety guide for catering and hospitality (external)
Starting a food service business
Contact Details
Telephone: +353 1 884 7101 or 1800 242473
The above is for general information purposes only. Queries regarding Caravan and Camping Parks can be directed to Fáilte Ireland.
Last updated: 9th August 2021